BEWARE OF FRAUD CALLS, SKYKING COURIER won't ask for any payment through UPI Apps such as Phone Pe, GPay, Paytm or any other UPI enabled apps, over calls. Our Delivery Executives, are striving hard each day, to ensure you stay safe at home while they reach out essentials to you.

Cuttack Network

Branches of Cuttack

With a core commitment to provide the best of transit experience with quick, efficient and tech-advanced services, Skyking has emerged to be one of the leading courier companies in Cuttack.

Our end-to-end pickup and delivery solution assures to always keep you ahead of the competition. Packed with qualified team of professionals, man-power and the finest of shipment facility, we offer a range of services, right from inventory management and packaging to logistics, order tracking and cash on delivery. Hand in hand, expect no less than maximum convenience with us.

Skyking provides multiple transit options – Air, Rail and Surface Mode. To that we have a wide network in Cuttack and across India, totaling 1600 branches. All these help us guarantee to meet your various needs adequately. We assure quick and secured delivery to your given destination. Our advanced order tracking option gives you the peace of mind knowing where your packages are and that they are completely safe.

Here are our branches in Cuttack-

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