
Where can I find information for a shipment that has been booked through Skyking?

Refer to Tracking section.

What items can be shipped through Skyking Courier Service?

Contents should be compatible with the container and packed securely to ensure safe transportation with ordinary care in handling. Please refer to the list of restricted and banned items, for further reference Restricted and Banned Items'.

How do I calculate the 'Volumetric Weight' for my shipment?

Refer to 'Volumetric Weight' section.

How can I change the address of shipment that is not yet been delivered?

Contact to your nearest branch or Refer to 'Contact Us' section.

How safe are my consignments with Skyking Courier Service?

Your consignments are completely safe with Skyking Courier Service.

Do you have a list of Skyking Courier Servicebranches in various locations?

Refer to Network section.

What are the CSR Initiatives of Skyking?

Refer to 'CSR Initiatives' section.

How do I know more about 'Careers and Opportunities' at Skyking?

Refer to 'Careers' section.

How important is my feedback / suggestions to Skyking?

We greatly value your suggestions and opinions, which will help us to serve you better at all times. Please refer to the 'Contact Us' page to leave your comments.

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